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What It Means For School Marketing

What It Means For School Marketing
What It Means For School Marketing

How experience can help school marketing enrollment with Google EEAT - Truth Tree

Google’s new “E” for Experience in EEAT will help online marketing for school’s SEO via content marketing.

WASHINGTON, DC, UNITED STATES, April 28, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — On December 15, 2022, Google announced a significant update to its quality rater guidelines, introducing a new “E” for Experience. This update aims to ensure that website content creators have first-hand, real-world experience with the topics they discuss, in addition to Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

The inclusion of “Experience” in the quality rater guidelines has a significant impact on school marketing strategies. With teachers, specialists, and academic administrators readily available as potential content creators, schools can now activate their experts to produce high-quality content that meets Google’s updated standards.

To demonstrate experience in content creation for school marketing SEO, we recommend the following strategies – Ensure the author’s byline includes their title, degrees, and awards related to the subject matter. Include links to the author’s profile page on their website, LinkedIn, and other sources demonstrating experience. Use phrases like “in my experience,” “as a math teacher,” and “over my 21 years teaching Algebra, I have found that…” in the copy. Update previously published content with the recommendations above and link relevant information between the two articles. The importance of authentic experience in content creation cannot be overstated. Google’s latest update emphasizes the need for content creators to have first-hand knowledge of the topics they discuss. By incorporating the E-E-A-T principles, schools can improve their website’s overall search engine rankings, visibility, and reputation.

Trevor Waddington
Truth Tree
+1 301-570-4292
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Article originally published on www.einpresswire.com as What It Means For School Marketing