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Democracy 3.0 Launches Groundbreaking Platform To Strengthen Democratic Processes Globally and Counter Astroturfing

Democracy 3.0 Launches Groundbreaking Platform To Strengthen Democratic Processes Globally and Counter Astroturfing

A free, secure and mission-driven social network platform developed by Silicon Valley visionaries & global Innovators.

PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, September 15, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — Democracy 3.0 Launches Groundbreaking Platform To Strengthen Democratic Processes Globally and Counter Astroturfing

Democracy 3.0, a not-for-profit, secure and mission-driven social network platform dedicated to safeguarding democratic integrity, is thrilled to announce its launch. The platform is dedicated to reinforcing democratic integrity worldwide and combating the infiltration of disinformation campaigns on social networks.

The launch date was selected by the team in order to commemorate the legacy of Mahsa Amini on the first anniversary of her tragic murder at the hands of the Iranian regime, an event that sparked the Women, Life, Freedom movement. The platform also renders homage to the lives of women and men that have been sacrificed to promote truth.

Founded by Silicon Valley leaders and Iranian expatriates, Democracy 3.0 champions “One Face, One Vote, One Voice.” The platform was conceived in response to the urgent need to shield democracy from the escalating threats of astroturfing, disinformation and polarization.

“The tragic murder of Mahsa Amini and the profound impact of the Women, Life, Freedom movements, along with the January 6 events, in both our home country and our adopted homeland, have served as profound inspiration for the creation of Democracy 3.0. These events have shed light on the urgent need for a platform like D3 in the face of disinformation and astroturfing campaigns aimed at undermining both Mahsa’s movement and the democratic fabric of the United States.

In honor of Mahsa Amini and all those who have fearlessly sacrificed their lives in the pursuit of truth around the world, Democracy 3.0 is steadfast in its commitment to safeguard the fundamental principles of freedom, gender equality, and democratic values. This non-profit initiative strives to tackle the prevalent issues of disinformation and astroturfing, while fostering transparency, inclusivity, and empowering grassroots democratic movements,” emphasized Susan Akbarpour, Founder of Democracy 3.0.

Democracy 3.0 sets a new benchmark for authentication and trustworthiness verification, empowering citizens to launch campaigns and engage on the platform. Key features include:

One Face / User Verification and Protection: Democracy 3.0 leverages cutting-edge biometric verification to ensure that users are genuine individuals, not bots or cyber-army generated accounts. User privacy is paramount, and personal information is not collected.

One Voice / One Voice for All: Democracy 3.0 enables individuals to express their meaningful voice through direct actions (Task Forces) or elected proxies with high credibility scores. The platform encourages active democratic participation, rewarding users with D3 Scores for completing tasks or verifying their actions. By integrating direct and representative democracy, D3 aims to optimize citizen engagement and foster community initiatives.

One Vote / Fostering Ongoing Accountability: Democracy 3.0 empowers citizens to actively participate in decision-making through direct voting or by delegating their vote to a trusted proxy. If a proxy fails to fulfill their promises, proxies have the ability to revoke their mandate by pressing the “Give My Vote Back” button, ensuring continual accountability and decentralization. Furthermore, user-declared mandates and initiatives are continually monitored and subjected to voting by participating users. Through majority consensus, users hold the power to remove other users from Task Forces or the platform entirely. This innovative approach establishes a culture of mutual accountability, guaranteeing that actions align with the declarations made on social media.

Open to Developers: Democracy 3.0 offers an open platform that will be easily accessible for developers to create tailored and relevant applications.

Democracy 3.0 invites everyone to become ambassadors for democracy and to join its mission to protect democracy, empower citizens, and foster genuine engagement in democratic processes.

About Democracy 3.0

Democracy 3.0, a 501(c)(3) non-profit transformative digital platform, emerged from the minds of forward-thinking Silicon Valley visionaries and global innovators. It combats astroturfing, champions transparency, accountability, and authentic engagement, while upholding democratic principles and security. Reshaping the future of democracy, it is committed to preserving democratic processes.

Visit Democracy 3.0 to understand our mission and join us on this remarkable journey. The D3 team will introduce their strategic approach to addressing critical democratic issues through technology in a YouTube video premiere on Saturday, September 16th at 3:00 PM.

Media Contacts:

info@democracy3o.org or leelanajafi@gmail.com


Leela Najafi
Democracy 3.0
Visit us on social media:

Introducing Democracy 3.0

Article originally published on www.einpresswire.com as Democracy 3.0 Launches Groundbreaking Platform To Strengthen Democratic Processes Globally and Counter Astroturfing