Home Military Navy Wounded Warrior Launches Esports Program to Support Rehabilitation and Community-Building

Navy Wounded Warrior Launches Esports Program to Support Rehabilitation and Community-Building

Navy Wounded Warrior Launches Esports Program to Support Rehabilitation and Community-Building
Navy Wounded Warrior Launches Esports Program to Support Rehabilitation and Community-Building

“Navy Wounded Warrior is excited to incorporate esports into our recreational offerings,” said Jenna Link, Director of Commander, Navy Installations Command’s Fleet and Family Readiness Casualty Support Programs. “This new venture will allow recovering service members to socialize and build personal connections through gaming. We can engage a new generation of enrollees through both in-person and online events as spectators and competitors alike.”

By leveraging the power of esports, the program aims to provide a new and innovative channel of recreational activities to help wounded warriors stay engaged, build resilience and connect with their peers.

“The future of the Navy Wounded Warrior Esports program is exciting and demonstrates how the program has evolved,” said Refugio Orozco, branch head of Commander, Navy Installations Command’s Fleet and Family Readiness Marketing and Communications. “We’re really excited to create this unique opportunity to connect Sailors and Coast Guardsmen and help them forge new friendships through gaming. We are using cutting edge technology that gaming presents to allow new ways for them to socialize. We’ve only scratched the surface of what’s to come.”

As part of National Military Appreciation Month, Navy Wounded Warrior Esports Program will host their first in-person event on May 19, 2023, at Naval Station Mayport, Fla., featuring fan-favorite game title, “Rocket League.” The first of its kind event will offer participants an opportunity to connect with like-minded community and participate in a challenging and rewarding activity.

Navy Wounded Warrior Esports is a testament to the Navy’s commitment to providing relevant and innovative support to its service members and recognizing the unique challenges faced by the Navy Wounded Warrior community.

Navy Wounded Warrior is the Navy’s sole organization for coordinating the non-medical care of seriously wounded, ill and injured Sailors and Coast Guardsmen and providing resources and support to their families. Through proactive leadership, the program provides individually-tailored assistance designed to optimize the success of the wounded warriors’ recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration activities.

Article originally published on www.einpresswire.com as Navy Wounded Warrior Launches Esports Program to Support Rehabilitation and Community-Building