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(Video) Iranian regime insiders clearly point out that the regime’s only red line is the PMOI

(Video) Iranian regime insiders clearly point out that the regime’s only red line is the PMOI

As the day of the Iranian regime’s sham elections approaches, regime officials, especially Ali Khamenei, are extremely worried about a mass boycott.Thus, the entire propaganda apparatus of the regime has mobilized to prevent the inevitable humiliating results.

After decades of tyranny , the people of Iran will not fall for the regime’s ruses anymore. The regime’s tactics will only strengthen the resolve of the people and their resistance movement to overthrow this regime via (MEK) resistance units across Iran.

After decades of tyranny , the people of Iran will not fall for the regime’s ruses anymore. The regime’s tactics will only strengthen the resolve of the people and their resistance movement to overthrow this regime via (MEK) resistance units across Iran.

Jan. 20 has become an important event for the members and supporters of the PMOI and the Iranian Resistance. And like every year, members of the Resistance Units, the network of PMOI supporters and activists inside Iran, marked the event across the country.

Jan. 20 has become an important event for the members and supporters of the PMOI and the Iranian Resistance. And like every year, members of the Resistance Units, the network of PMOI supporters and activists inside Iran, marked the event across the country.

 In Shiraz, the Resistance Units held placards that celebrated the release of political prisoners and reiterated a quote from the late Ayatollah Mahmoud Taleghani, who said, “The torturers and interrogators were terrified of Massoud Rajavi.”

In Shiraz, the Resistance Units held placards that celebrated the release of political prisoners and reiterated a quote from the late Ayatollah Mahmoud Taleghani, who said, “The torturers and interrogators were terrified of Massoud Rajavi.”

Not only has the regime’s efforts failed to dismay Iran’s youths from gravitating toward the PMOI but it has steeled their resolve to be part of the movement to overthrow the religious fascism that has taken Iran hostage for its evil deeds.

Not only has the regime’s efforts failed to dismay Iran’s youths from gravitating toward the PMOI but it has steeled their resolve to be part of the movement to overthrow the religious fascism that has taken Iran hostage for its evil deeds.

In Tehran, Resistance Units installed posters of Massoud Rajavi in different parts, writing slogan “The world should know that Massoud Rajavi is our leader.”

This is a rare confession from a regime insider, it is testament which forces the regime to put up such a ridiculous show to create a pretense of dialog and free speech right ahead of the elections.”


PARIS, FARANCE, January 24, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — The National Council of Resistance of Iran-(NCRI) Foreign Affairs Committee in an article stated that as the day of the Iranian regime’s sham parliamentary elections approaches, regime officials, especially supreme leader Ali Khamenei, are extremely anxious and worried about a mass boycott.

Thus, the entire extensive propaganda apparatus of the regime has mobilized to prevent the inevitable humiliating results. The situation seems so dire for the regime that even the politicians of the marginalized factions are rushing to save the tyrannical rules of the mullahs.

Despite having been eliminated from politics by Khamenei, this group insists on repeating and emphasizing that “we are all on the same boat” and that we must use our fingers to plug its holes and prevent it from sinking.

They organize so-called debates where they appear to be critical of the regime’s policies to purge rivals. However, their real intention is to underline the regime’s red line, which is the PMOI, and promote the elections and convince the people of Iran, who have made it clear that they want to overthrow the regime, that the only way to solve their problems is to vote in the sham elections. One recent example is exemplary.

A recent video published by the state-run Didar website shows a debate between three regime analysts, including Mehdi Nasiri, introduced as a “journalist and religious researcher who has a background in managing the Keyhan newspaper in his resume, he emphasizes the need for a new political system and governance.”

Nasiri says, “The Supreme Leader said that elections should be held so that it does not lead to dictatorship! Are we currently living in a democracy? Is the Islamic Republic system democratic? What is the concept of dictatorship? It means that all powers and authorities are concentrated on one person. His actions, his orders, his notes, his writings, his glances, his whims are above the law! The Islamic Republic relies more on its prisons, its prison guards, its interrogators, its pellet guns, and authoritarian measures than on reform, dialogue, change, and engagement with society. In the Velayate Faghih system, absolute power reigns, and that’s it.”

This is a rare confession from a regime insider, which is testament to the weak state of the regime, which forces it to put up such shows to create a pretense of dialog and free speech right ahead of the elections.

In another part of his remarks, Nasiri said, “Today, security institutions in different cities summon people for posting a [Instagram] Story or some other content. The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), Intelligence and the Ministry of Intelligence are constantly threatening.”

In another part of the so-called debate, Nasiri is questioned: “Mr. Nasiri! If you don’t consider the system reformable, then what are you doing here? Why do you even live in this country? Why don’t you take up arms and stand against the Islamic Republic? Why don’t you overthrow it? The PMOI wanted to do this!”

This is where Nasiri reveals his hand and his true nature, which is to protect the regime at all costs. Nasiri quickly says, “I am not a terrorist” to draw a line with the Iranian Resistance and to say that resistance against the regime is futile and the regime will fall by itself.

He then quickly adds, “All opposition movements believe that [PMOI] is a violent and ideological cult which is similar to some forces within the regime. Fortunately, everyone will put them aside.”

So the entire build-up of the conversation was for this regime insider to put on a façade of opposition only to disparage the main opposition movement.

In recent days, Khamenei has called upon “all those who have a voice, have an audience, and.” to use “any method” to promote the elections and “compel the people” to participate in the elections.

Therefore, if they see it suitable speak out against the Supreme Leader or about the embedded corruption in the regime, it is tolerated as long as the elections are promoted and the regime’s red line, which is the PMOI, is not crossed.

Furthermore, the interrogators of prisons and intelligence officers repeatedly told their audience that Khamenei is not red line, the PMOI is. This red line can clearly be seen in another one of the election propaganda debates that was broadcasted on the regime’s television on January 18. One of the participants in that debate said, “If a [PMOI] passed by the house of one of my fourth-degree relatives, I would be disqualified [from the elections].”

The regime is caught in a trap of its own making. On the one hand, it wants to create a façade of democracy to avoid another humiliating election boycott. But at the same time, it has to draw a line with the main force that has been calling for regime change and democracy for more than four decades.

However, after decades of tyranny and corruption, the people of Iran will not fall for the regime’s ruses anymore. The regime’s self-defeating tactics will only strengthen the resolve of the people and their resistance movement to overthrow this regime via (MEK) resistance units across Iran.

On January 20,PMOI Resistance Units in Iran celebrated the anniversary of the release of Massoud Rajavi from Shah’s prison

The event marked a turning point in the history of Iran. Following the release of the political prisoners, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and other groups that sought freedom assumed an active role in the protests that shaped the 1979 revolution. Less than a month later, the monarchy collapsed.

January 20 has become an important event for the members and supporters of the PMOI and the Iranian Resistance. And like every year, members of the Resistance Units, the network of PMOI supporters and activists inside Iran, marked the event across the country.

In Tehran, Resistance Units installed posters of Massoud Rajavi in different parts of the city, commemorating January 20 and writing slogans such as “The world should know that Massoud Rajavi is our leader.”

In Shiraz, the Resistance Units held placards that celebrated the release of political prisoners and reiterated a quote from the late Ayatollah Mahmoud Taleghani, who said, “The torturers and interrogators were terrified of Massoud Rajavi.”

In Hamedan, the Resistance Units held posters of Massoud Rajavi and reiterated their commitment to the struggle for freedom with the message: “We will continue our struggle until we dismantle religious fascism.”

In Karaj, the Resistance Units reiterated their loyalty to the Iranian people and their resistance movement. They held posters of Massoud Rajavi with the message: “Massoud is the flag-bearer of maximum resistance.”

In Khorram Abad, Resistance Units held placards of Massoud Rajavi with a slogan that is emblematic of the history of the PMOI and the Iranian Resistance: “Rebels never surrender.”

In Amol, Resistance Units installed posters of Massoud Rajavi with a quote from his first speech after his release from prison: “You can’t keep a nation in captivity forever.”

In Kermanshah and Rasht, the Resistance Units defied the regime’s efforts to detract youth from joining the PMOI. They held placards that read, “The world should know that Massoud is our leader.”

The Resistance Units also marked the anniversary of January 20 by projecting images of Massoud Rajavi on the walls of public places in many cities along with messages of resistance and defiance of the regime. These activities took place in Tehran, Shiraz, Karaj, Rasht, Isfahan, Arak, Mashhad, Kermanshah, and other cities.

The Resistance Units have increased their activities as the regime has been trying to suppress any support for the PMOI and the NCRI and create the illusion that there is no alternative to the regime’s brutal rule.

Among these measures is an ongoing court case against more than 100 members of the PMOI and the NCRI. The regime had publicized this court for several months and will start the hearings this week.

Having failed to destroy Iran’s Resistance movement and prevent the new generation to join the PMOI’s cause, they are setting up another court case in hopes of causing fear in the public.

At the same time, the regime is engaging in extensive propaganda efforts to demonize the PMOI and cause fear among the Iranian public, especially the youths who are fed up with tyranny and want regime change.

However, not only has the regime’s efforts failed to dismay Iran’s youths from gravitating toward the PMOI but it has steeled their resolve to be part of the movement to overthrow the religious fascism that has taken Iran hostage for its evil deeds.

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Shahin Gobadi
+33 6 61 65 32 31
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This is a rare confession of a regime insider, to put up such a ridiculous show to create a pretense of dialog and free speech right ahead of the elections.

Article originally published on www.einpresswire.com as (Video) Iranian regime insiders clearly point out that the regime’s only red line is the PMOI