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This Book Could Change Business, Politics and Relationships Forever

This Book Could Change Business, Politics and Relationships Forever
Finance and Real Estate Extraordinaire Jeffrey Meshel Releases Bombshell Book on Trust, the Pillar to Every Decision

NEW YORK - August 4, 2022 - (Newswire.com)

The world is not running on trust these days, and it is divided and falling apart as a result. In fact, distrust and apathy are at all-time highs. "If you truly trust someone, you can close your eyes and believe that person will guide you safely in the dark," writes Jeffrey Meshel (aka Waywill), in his fascinating and sobering book, Trust is a Double-Edged Sword: Trust Me, releasing today in an updated and expanded version.

"A trusting relationship is open and reciprocal; both parties meet on a field of transparency, mutual aid, and informed choice. When any of those factors is violated, either unilaterally or by both parties, trust is destroyed." 

Even though individuals don't think about trust every day, they should. Why? It is the basis for decisions, functioning in business and intimacy, and who to follow and elect as leaders. Meshel, who is also the author of One Phone Call Away: Secrets of a Master Networker and The Opportunity Magnet, gets personal and shares accounts of how broken trust has brought devastating consequences upon his life. He does so because he wants every leader and individual to be honest with themselves. Everybody has experienced trust violation.

But lessons and insights abound—as courageously revealed in Meshel's latest book.

Purchase now! https://www.amazon.com/s?k=trust+is+a+double+edged+sword&i=stripbooks&crid=TEF9WTT1HO1G&sprefix=trust+is+a+%2Cstripbooks%2C56&ref=nb_sb_ss_mission-aware-v1_1_11 

Jeffrey Meshel is an effective speaker and coach on relationship management, strategic partnerships, navigating and healing from divorce, and of course, TRUST. For booking, contact: meshelj1@gmail.com. Follow: @JeffMeshelAuthor

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Original Source: This Book Could Change Business, Politics and Relationships Forever