Home Business Hernando County Government Streamlines Permitting Process with AutoReview.AI

Hernando County Government Streamlines Permitting Process with AutoReview.AI

Hernando County Government Streamlines Permitting Process with AutoReview.AI

New AI-Powered Software Enhances the Workflow for Development Services

BROOKSVILLE, FL, UNITED STATES, December 22, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — At the December 12, 2023, Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting, the BOCC approved the onboarding of AutoReview.AI for Development Services. AutoReview.AI is a software program that utilizes artificial intelligence to automatically review development plans for compliance with County regulations.

“The intention is to streamline and expediate the permitting process,” mentioned Peter Schwarz, Hernando County’s Development Services Director. “This software will help identify and run accurate code compliance checks along with providing the County with a list of everything out of compliance. This also helps the developer by providing a link to the section of code for review and allows for the developer to make appropriate changes.”

This tool will assist the professional staff and enable the County to work efficiently and focus on the nuances and unique qualities of community development. By onboarding this program, it will ensure that Development Services will meet the standards and expectations to provide excellent customer service to the citizens in Hernando County.

“AutoReview looks forward to working with the skilled professional staff of the Hernando County Development Services Department to help speed up the permit review process,” said Rob Christy, the CEO of AutoReview.AI.

For questions or more information from Hernando County, please contact Hernando County’s Public Information Office at (352) 540-6426. For more information about AutoReview.AI, please contact:

John Mirkin
+1 321-431-1845
email us here
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Article originally published on www.einpresswire.com as Hernando County Government Streamlines Permitting Process with AutoReview.AI