2023 Altimetry System Error Workshop
September 5 – 7 2023 Altimetry System Error (ASE) Workshop
An Altimetry System Error (ASE) Workshop was hosted by EUROCONTROL and the Federal Aviation Administration at the EUROCONTROL Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, on September 5 – 7, 2023.
The purpose of this workshop is to build awareness and understanding of the inherent risk associated with ASE and to provide a forum for aviation-based government and industry peers to exchange experiences, best practices, and ideas related to current and emerging issues associated with ASE.
“Altimetry System Error (ASE) is an often unknown aircraft characteristic which can have a significant and detrimental impact on aircraft separation, but which occurs unnoticed by pilots, controllers and ACAS.
ASE can only be monitored in an operational environment by dedicated height monitoring, utilising specialised systems and techniques. It is important that both State authorities and aircraft operators (civil and military), understand the implications of ASE and know how to respond when receiving reports of aircraft with poor ASE characteristics from the Regional Monitoring Agencies who are tasked with monitoring responsibilities.
EUROCONTROL and the U.S. Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) are jointly organising a workshop focusing on Altimetry System Error (ASE), its causes, how it is detected, how it should be managed and its effect on the operational environment.” – EUROCONTROL
2023 ASE Workshop Discussion Documents”
- Agenda (PDF)
Official news published at https://www.faa.gov/air-traffic/2023-altimetry-system-error-workshop